Camping with Grandpa App

Even though school is in session for most students, the summer sun is still burning bright and there’s still time to explore the great outdoors!  Even once it’s too chilly outside, children can still explore nature with Camping with Grandpa.  Camping with Grandpa is an app that allows individuals with and without disabilities to learn all about camping.  Within the app, children will have fun roasting marshmallows, going hiking, spotting wildlife, and so much more!

The app features four different trails for children to explore.  Each trail has seven educational mini-games.  The four different trails are: Bird Bush Trail, Tree Grove Trail, Butterfly Meadow Walk, and Flower Valley Trail.  Each trail has its own theme:

  1. Bird Bush Trail: Players will find and discover a variety of birds.
  2. Tree Grove Trail: Children will learn how to identify different tree types.
  3. Butterfly Meadow Walk: Users will learn about different types of butterflies
  4. Flower Valley Trail: Children will learn about all types of flowers found in nature.

camping with grandpa app

Each trail also includes 7 fun, educational mini-games:

  1. Hiking Gear: Which items should we take on our hike?
    • This activity encourages critical thinking and judgment skills to plan out what needs to go on hiking trip.
  2. Read a Compass:  Which direction should we go to the Flower Valley Trail?
    • This activity is an introduction to cardinal directions, which are essential life skills.
  3. Take a Hike: Can you spot all the white birch trees?  Or robins?  (Whatever trail user is on.)
    • Introduces different species of trees, animals, flowers, etc.
  4. Animal Tracks: Which animal made these tracks?
    • This helps children identify different tracks animals make.
  5. Animal Foods: Can you help these animals get to their food?
    • This helps children identify what different animals eat (e.g. bears eat fish, bees eat pollen from flowers, etc.)
  6. Tent Shadows: Which pocket knife makes this shadow?
    • This activity is ideal for pre-readers.  It also helps them work on basic decoding skills.
  7. Word Find: Can you find all the forest words?
    • This is a classic word scramble game; words will depend on the trail the user is on at the time.

Educational Content in Camping with Grandpa:

While playing this app, young explorers will learn the following skills and much more!

  • Outdoor and survival skills: map and compass reading, trail safety, emergency preparedness, animal characteristics and camping equipment.
  • Butterflies: tiger, swallowtail, monarch, red admiral, common buckeye.
  • Trees: hickory, birch, maple, oak, pine, redwood, willow.
  • Birds: robin, woodpecker, cardinal, blue jay.
  • Flowers: daisy, clover, thistle, black-eyed Susan.
  • Vocabulary: lantern, s’more, bridge, compass, ridge, stream, valley, mountain, binoculars, ripples, acorn, pinecone, kindling, pocket knife, hatchet, and more.

To learn more about Camping with Grandpa, check it out on iTunes.

BridgingApps also reviewed this app.  To view their review, click here.

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