Air Hawk in different colors

Increasing Mobility with the Air Hawk Electric Foldable Wheelchair

  For individuals with mobility impairments, access to reliable and versatile mobility aids is crucial. Mobility is not just about physical movement; it’s integral to one’s independence, self-esteem and overall quality of life. Traditional wheelchairs, while effective, often come with limitations such as bulkiness, difficulty in transportation and lack of versatility. This is where the […]

AccessAbleUSA’s Survey Aims to Improve Accessibility

As people with disabilities navigate the world, accessibility is vital. For example, if the only entrance to a venue has stairs, many people could be excluded entirely from all events in that space — to the detriment of the whole community. AccessAbleUSA aims to prevent situations like this and empower people with disabilities to access […]

LuxAI's QTrobot

Innovation in Assistive Technology

With artificial intelligence, robots and virtual reality — to name just a few developments — the field of assistive technology is starting to resemble a science-fiction landscape. This week, Director of Assistive Technology Josh Anderson is leading a free, full-day training session to explore the real-world applications of this otherworldly technology. Entitled Innovative Assistive Technology, […]

Caption Companion

Caption Companion Offers Live Transcription

Artificial Intelligence (AI) can help individuals with hearing loss better understand the conversation around them. Caption Companion is a portable, 8-inch tablet device that offers unlimited, real-time AI captioning right out of the box. It works fully offline and doesn’t require a user account. And for more added protection, user data is not collected. The […]

Hable One

A Remote Control for Your Phone: The Hable One Keyboard

Typing on a smartphone is second nature to many of us. But for people who are visually challenged, it can be frustrating and even seem impossible. While virtual keyboards can be helpful, many are limited and difficult to use for people with visual impairment or blindness. However, having a visual impairment doesn’t mean that mobile […]

GyroGlove users

GyroGlove™ Aims to Provide Hand Tremor Relief

Essential tremor, the most common type of tremor that causes involuntary and rhythmic shaking or trembling most obvious in the hands and forearms, affects up to 5% of people worldwide and an estimated 7-10 million people in the U.S. Experts also predict that nearly 1 million people in the U.S. are currently affected by the […]