Top Assistive Technologies of 2014

As it is the last day of the year, I wanted to take a moment to point out how exciting this year was for assistive technology.  What were some of the most noted advancements?  This was indubitably the year of wearable technology, with the release of Google Glass and several other wearables.  But overall, 2014’s technology paved […]

Track Life’s Tempo with CarePredict

There are several wellness trackers available on the market today to monitor the habits of relatively self-aware, healthy individuals.  These wearable devices are designed to help those looking to stay active or to hit a specific goal each day (i.e. a steps objective.)  CarePredict is utilizing the technology behind these fitness wristbands to improve the lives of seniors.  They have created a […]

Take me there: Lechal smart shoes leading way for the blind

By now a majority of individuals have heard of some form of wearable technology such as the smartwatch or Google Glass.  A tech company in India called Ducere Tech, recently presented a newer form of wearable technology: smart shoes.  The shoes are called Lechal, which translates as “take me there” in Hindi.  The shoes possess a lot of potential especially for individuals […]

Smart contact lenses by Google

Writer: Laura Medcalf The search engine giant Google has been working on wearable technology for quite some time now. From their smartwatches to Google Glass, their mission of making technology as portable as possible is becoming very evident. The mission will become even clearer with Google’s idea of smart contact lenses. A new patent application details how […]