Top Assistive Technologies of 2014

As it is the last day of the year, I wanted to take a moment to point out how exciting this year was for assistive technology.  What were some of the most noted advancements?  This was indubitably the year of wearable technology, with the release of Google Glass and several other wearables.  But overall, 2014’s technology paved the way for individuals with disabilities in countless ways.

2014’s Trending Assistive Technology Topics:

  1. Google Glass
  2. 3D Printing
  3. Apple’s iOS 8
  4. Apple’s Yosemiterobots autism
  5. iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus
  6. Intel’s Connected Wheelchair
  7. VEST: Versatile Extra-Sensory Transducer
  8. Apps for Different Disabilities
    1. Dyslexia
    2. ADHD
    3. Visually Impaired
    4. Learning Disabilities
    5. Autism
  9. Robots:
    1. Disney’s Big Hero 6
    2. Robots4Autism
  10. Smart Home Devices:
    1. Flic
    2. Wink Hub
    3. Reemo
    4. Kwikset Kevo 
    5. Z-Wave Home Control

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