sony a7 IV camera with built-in screen reader

Sony A7 IV Screen Reader Feature

There are several photographers who experience some sort of visual impairment.  Unfortunately, several camera menus are inaccessible making cameras difficult to navigate independently.  The Sony A7 IV is on a mission to change that with a newer, exciting feature: a built-in screen reader.   The screen reader is available by going to Menu > Setup > […]

ATFAQ Feature Image Logo

ATFAQ 145 – Q1. Doorbell alert for Deaf/HoH, Q2. Accessible Digital Camera, Q3. SmartPen and Dictation software, Q4. One-handed keyboards, Q5. Calendar and scheduling tools, Q6. Wildcard: Future of accessibility

Podcast: Play in new window | Download Panelists: Brian Norton, Josh Anderson, Belva Smith, Tracy Castillo Q1. Doorbell alert for Deaf/HoH, Q2. Accessible Digital Camera, Q3. SmartPen and Dictation software, Q4. One-handed keyboards, Q5. Calendar and scheduling tools, Q6. Wildcard: Future of accessibility ——– Transcript Starts Here ———– Brian Norton: Welcome to ATFAQ, Assistive Technology […]

Blincam : Hands-Free Camera

The sky was an absolute masterpiece last night: it was painted with the most beautiful red and orange hues.  Unfortunately, I was driving on my way home from work and wasn’t able to get my phone out to capture its essence.  Have you ever had moments like this?  Have you ever wished you could just take […]

Sony Smart EyeGlass

Sony is challenging Google Glass with its current prototype of Sony Smart EyeGlass.  Sony’s new smart specs are comparable to Google Glass in several ways, but are much more obtrusive appearing like a pair of unwieldy 3D glasses. The Sony Smart EyeGlass acts like a secondary screen for an Android smartphone, connecting via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi.  Once paired, the glasses will […]

Smart contact lenses by Google

Writer: Laura Medcalf The search engine giant Google has been working on wearable technology for quite some time now. From their smartwatches to Google Glass, their mission of making technology as portable as possible is becoming very evident. The mission will become even clearer with Google’s idea of smart contact lenses. A new patent application details how […]