RogerVoice engages the world with the hard-of-hearing

“For most people, technology makes things easier. For people with disabilities, technology makes things possible.” – Mary Pat Radabaugh Technology offers countless possibilities and opens doors many never even knew were closed.  Throughout the past several decades, advancements in technology have proven beneficial to the human race–both those with or without disabilities.  With technology, individuals who […]

Website Accessibility

By Laura Medcalf There are many services readily available at your fingertips to make your online experience with websites and social media more accessible.  For this post, I will provide an overview of multiple resources: NoSquint is available as an add-on for the Mozilla Firefox browser and allows users to adjust the text-only and/or full-page […]

See and hear: CapTel phones let you see what you can’t hear

Ideal for those who are hard of hearing or deaf, CapTel phones caption what the caller is saying. The phones work just like any other phone, only they have a display attached to them that reads what the caller says. CapTel phone users can listen to the caller, and can also read the written captions […]

Cochlear implants change the meaning of deaf

A deaf diagnoses used to mean no other option. Hearing loss was permanent. Today, children who were born deaf, are now hearing adults thanks to a little device called the cochlear implant. Surgically implanted into the ears, cochlear implants take sound waves and transform them into electrical codes the brain can read. That code is […]

9-1-1 service to get new life

When it comes to calling for help in an emergency, calling 9-1-1 has always been “Option A.” Service is expected to be not only quick, but efficient and safe. Most get it. However, if you are unable to speak due to injury or unconsciousness or are hard of hearing or deaf, help may be harder […]