4 facts (and more) about Apple Pay

Well folks, it’s finally here!  Apple’s new payment system, Apple Pay, was released yesterday.  I have mentioned this new payment system in two blogs both last month and last week, when I covered Apple’s two large events.  If you’ve read those past two posts, you probably know how excited I am for Apple Pay. If you don’t yet know […]

Top 7 features for the visually impaired in iOS 8

In Apple’s recent update, iOS 8, the company increased its accessibility with its addition of several new features for individuals with disabilities.  A while back, I covered potential accessibility features in a previous blog on iOS 8, but now that the update is finally available I felt it necessary to highlight the new features that may benefit individuals specifically […]

7 ways to conserve battery life on iOS 8

Now that iOS 8 has been available for a couple weeks now, several issues have been reported.  One frequently discussed problem is the increased dwindling of battery life.  In the recent update several new and exciting features were added to better improve the user’s overall experience.  However, these recent additions may be the culprit behind the decreased longevity […]

RogerVoice engages the world with the hard-of-hearing

“For most people, technology makes things easier. For people with disabilities, technology makes things possible.” – Mary Pat Radabaugh Technology offers countless possibilities and opens doors many never even knew were closed.  Throughout the past several decades, advancements in technology have proven beneficial to the human race–both those with or without disabilities.  With technology, individuals who […]