Fidget Cube: The Ultimate Fidgeting Tool

You guys!  It finally arrived!  And let me tell you, it was well worth the wait.  I first introduced this product on Accessibility Minute back in September and am so excited to finally write about it now that it is in my hands.  I am talking about nothing other than the highly-addictive Fidget Cube!  In sum, the Fidget Cube is a vinyl desk toy for anyone who fidgets.

If you’re new to our blog, you may be unfamiliar with what a fidget product is.  Many individuals with autism, ADHD, anxiety, and more often resort to fidgeting as a means of relaxing and focusing.  Examples of fidgeting include but are not limited to:

  • Biting fingernails
  • Tapping fingers
  • Rapidly moving legs or feet up and down
  • Clicking pens
  • Squirming in seat
  • Twirling hair, etc.

Fidgets have thus been developed as tools to help these individuals safely and discreetly channel their energy.  The market of fidgets has grown exponentially now that studies have proven fidgeting to be useful for countless individuals.  What used to be an annoying habit is now being noted as a way for individuals to cope, relax, and focus.  Developers behind the Fidget Cube embrace all of these ideals and have created the ultimate all-in-one fidget tool.

Because I had backed the Fidget Cube on Kickstarter several months ago, I’d nearly forgotten about it.  So when I saw I’d received a package from Antsy Labs on my porch, I was honestly confused.  “Antsy Labs?  That sounds familiar but I have no idea…”  I checked the label again to verify it was sent to the correct recipient.  I read my name and began to open the box.  Once I broke the tape and peeked inside the cardboard box, contents glowed like the summer sun as angels began to sing.**

It was finally here!  Tears of joy poured down my face as I removed the bubble wrap, and saw the white and aqua Cube encased in a larger, sleek plastic case.  (It was also encouraged in a note to enjoy popping the bubble wrap – these developers just get me!)

The Cube arrived on the perfect day as it was the day I was hosting a surprise party for a dear friend.  Anxiety consumed me with thoughts of everything falling apart; if one thing went wrong, the whole surprise could derail.  All of my worries subsided the minute the Fidget Cube was in my hand.  I quickly began clicking, gliding, spinning, flipping, rolling, and breathing.  I was finally able to calm my thoughts.  Ahhhh.

fidget cube sides
Image of all 6 sides of Fidget Cube.  The order in above image is: 1. FLIP; 2. ROLL; 3. GLIDE; 4. CLICK; 5. SPIN; 6. BREATHE/RUB

Once I relaxed, I was able to appreciate the well-executed design of the Fidget Cube.  I have what I refer to as “princess” hands (or small hands).  It’s worth noting that the Fidget Cube fit comfortably inside my princess hands.  Additionally, prior to receiving the Cube, I was nervous about how well each side would work with my lack of strength and dexterity.  I’m happy to report that each gear, button, ball, switch, dial, and joystick are easy to manipulate with minimal effort!

History of the Fidget Cube:

The idea of Fidget Cube was first conceived back in 2012.  Since then, developers have been researching, testing, developing, retesting, etc., to perfect their product.  Their successful Kickstarter campaign launched in August 2016 and was fully funded in October 2016.

On the Kickstarter video, one of the developers states that, “Some scientists smarter than us firmly believe that we have this thing called ‘floating attention,’ which makes it hard for us to focus in some circumstances.”  Both developers continue explaining how fidgeting has been shown to keep this “floating attention” occupied, which then helps individuals better focus on the task at hand.

During development, they wanted to ensure two things in final product:

  1. The functionality needed to truly satisfy fidgeting needs while also being: A.) an entire toolbox of fidgety options and B.) small and compact.
  2. The final product needed to be a premium desk toy that can be used discreetly in any situation, from a classroom to a boardroom.

Sides of the Fidget Cube:

The Cube is six-sided, each side providing its own unique fidget:

  1. Click.
    • Do you often find yourself clicking your pen incessantly?  The Click side was developed to satisfy this urge.  It looks like the 5-dot face on a traditional die.  However, unlike the traditional die, these dots are actual “buttons”.  More specifically, you’ll find 3 audible clicker buttons and 2 silenced buttons for times you need to click in silence.
  2. Flip.
    • This is comparable to flipping a light switch, but safer and easier.  You can pivot the switch back and forth gently to fidget silently, or you can flip it quickly for a more audible click.  This has been my favorite thus far.
  3. Glide.
    • The gliding action of this circular joystick is oddly super satisfying.  I remember how I loved gliding the rounded joystick on a PlayStation controller back in the day.  Apparently it was an example of fidgeting.  This joystick glides swimmingly and provides the same calming effect.
  4. Breathe.
    • Traditional worry stones were the inspiration behind this face.  Just as you would with the stone, simply rub your finger against the polished indent and breathe.
  5. Spin.
    • Love spinning fidgets?  Look no further than this spinnable dial!  The dial features a small notch for easier grasp.  Simply place your finger on dial and spin the dial ’round and ’round!
  6. Roll.
    • There are 3 gears and a ball on this face.  They are all about rolling movements.  The tactile feel of the gears is oh so satisfying.  The ball can even be pressed for a bonus click feature!

What is included:

When you order your Fidget Cube, you can look forward to receiving the following inside the box:

  1. The Fidget Cube
  2. The plastic box to neatly store the Fidget Cube inside when not in use (if you can even put it down…)
  3. A sticker (Antsy Labs or Fidget Cube)
  4. Carrying Pouch

Click here for more information on the Fidget Cube.

Want to learn about more fidgets?  Visit my other posts on the topic:

**Disclaimer: The box and product do not actually glow. Also, angels do not sing upon opening package unless you have an overactive imagination like myself.  Please remember the opinions expressed here are solely those of the author and do not represent those of the INDATA Project.

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