Children with Autism: A Visual Schedule App

Visual Schedules are ideal tools for individuals with autism, ADHD, and other special needs.  The Children with Autism: A Visual Schedule by Enuma is the “first wearable picture-based scheduler designed with children and adults with autism in mind.”  The app’s user-friendly interface makes it easy to create a picture-based, personalized daily schedule. “Understanding and following […]

Outloud Timer 2

Outloud is a Finnish app developer specializing in speech and hearing rehabilitation.  It was founded by a passionate speech therapist who specializes in working with toddlers with speech or hearing impairments.  One of the company’s apps is the Outloud Timer 2. A few weeks ago, I wrote about the Time Timer and the benefits of […]

Boo Articulation Helper

If you’re looking for an app that helps children practice speech sounds, check out Boo Articulation Helper.  The app features a fun character named Boo who encourages repetition of individual speech sounds and simple syllables while enforcing helpful phonological awareness. Examples of sounds children will practice with the app are P, B, T, D, K, […]

Lazarillo GPS on Google Play

There are several GPS apps available on Apple devices to help individuals with visual impairments.  However, if you’re searching for one to use on Android devices, check out the Lazarillo GPS app.Lazarillo is a specialized GPS app that provides a myriad of mobility tools for individuals who are blind.  The goal of the app is […]

Sound Salad – Help Mr. Ear by Sorting Sounds

Looking for an app to teach your child logical thinking, attentive listening, and more?  Look no further than the Sound Salad – Help Mr. Ear by Sorting Sounds app! Sound Salad is a place where all objects’ sounds get mixed together.  The Sound Salad – Help Mr. Ear app is a sound-object association game with […]