Lazarillo GPS on Google Play

There are several GPS apps available on Apple devices to help individuals with visual impairments.  However, if you’re searching for one to use on Android devices, check out the Lazarillo GPS app.Lazarillo is a specialized GPS app that provides a myriad of mobility tools for individuals who are blind.  The goal of the app is […]

5 popular apps using VoiceOver

VoiceOver is a built-in screen reader found on Apple devices.  When using VoiceOver, users can access Macintosh or iOS devices with spoken descriptions and, when using the Mac, the keyboard.  This has made the devices accessible for users with visual impairments, as well as those with dyslexia. If you visit the App Store now on […]

BlindSquare: Using Assistive Tech to Get Around

With recent advancements in assistive technology, many individuals with disabilities are able to live more independently.  However, visually impaired or blind individuals may still have difficulty getting from place to place.  BlindSquare is an application available on iPhones and iPads, designed for visually impaired or blind users to be able to get around independently.  It […]

BlindSquare apps helps Blind People Navigate Streets

  BlindSquare is a new app that’s using of Foursquare’s 2 billion check-ins worldwide to help people who are blind find locations on foot or while using public transportation. Foursquare is a social networking site that users can “check in” when they arrive at a destination. Destinations include restaurants, parks, colleges residents and other similar […]