Take the Next Step with a Robotic Exoskeleton

Each year, as many as 500,000 individuals experience a spinal cord injury, and 15 million people suffer a stroke. Many people are now getting the chance to take their next steps forward with the help of EksoGT. EksoGT is the first robotic exoskeleton to be granted clearance for rehabilitation purposes for use with stroke patients […]

Lightweight robotic glove provides grasp to those with limited hand mobility

Engineers at Harvard University have developed a soft robotic glove that grants individuals with limited hand mobility the ability to grip and pick up objects.  This glove could help an estimated 6.8 million people in the United States with hand mobility issues, such as those with a progressive disability, stroke, or old age. There are so many tasks often taken […]

Sit anywhere with the Chairless Chair

Have you ever been in a situation where you needed to sit but chairs weren’t available?  Like if you’re waiting in a seemingly endless line to get tickets to your favorite show?  Individuals on foot oftentimes need to take breaks from standing as a precaution for their health.  Physical strain, repetitive movements and poor posture may lead to conditions […]

Science fiction meets real life to help paralyzed individuals walk again!

The silver screen has given us many images of incredible exoskeletons used to fight aliens and crime.  One of the first exoskeletons was in a 1967 movie called “The Ambusher” which gave humans super strength to carry things. The Power Loader then became iconic in the movie Aliens when Sigourney Wearer used the exoskeleton to fight […]