Control your smart home and more with Branto

With so many smart home devices and central hubs for these devices, it may be hard to narrow down what works best for you.  Even though it is only in the midst of its fundraising campaign on Indiegogo, the Branto Orb already seems like a promising option.  So what exactly is Branto and what sets it apart from other […]

Monday Tech Tip: iOS built in screen reader options (speak selection & speak screen)

Brian Norton, Manager of Clinical Assistive Technology, at Easter Seals Crossroads, shows us shows us two iOS built in screen reader options: speak selection and speak screen. Check it out here:  

A, B, Cs of Dyslexia Education

Writer: Tiffany Whisner, Coles Marketing Do you have trouble telling the difference between “b” and “d,” or are you confused with words that sound similar, like celery and salary? These are some of the “red flags” of dyslexia — a learning disability affecting about one in five people, or 20 percent of the population. With […]

Lightweight robotic glove provides grasp to those with limited hand mobility

Engineers at Harvard University have developed a soft robotic glove that grants individuals with limited hand mobility the ability to grip and pick up objects.  This glove could help an estimated 6.8 million people in the United States with hand mobility issues, such as those with a progressive disability, stroke, or old age. There are so many tasks often taken […]

Nike launches FLYEASE, a cool new shoe for people with disabilities

“You loop, you swoop, you pull.”   “Bunny ears, Bunny ears, playing by a tree.   Criss-crossed the tree, trying to catch me.   Bunny ears, Bunny ears, jumped into the hole, Popped out the other side beautiful and bold.” “Over, under, pull it tight, Make a bow, Pull it through to do it right.” […]