4 Apps for Aging in Place

Learning how to use a smartphone can be challenging for everyone, especially older individuals.  However, there are many benefits to using a phone, such as apps to keep your meds organized and more. While there are dozens of apps aimed towards individuals aging in place, I wanted to focus on a handful available.  The following […]

T-handle Rocker Knife and Waterproof Cutting Board

T-handle Rocker Knife I was discussing kitchen prep a few weeks ago and how cutting meat, veggies, pasta, and other foods can be extremely challenging for persons with limited strength and dexterity.  The T-handle Rocker Easy Cut Knife is an adaptive solution for cutting food. The Rocker Knife is easy-to-use and cuts food with a simple rocking […]

Accessible Adventures in Indiana

“Indiana is becoming more accessible now than ever before,” said Ric Edwards, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Program Director for the Indiana Department of Natural Resources (DNR). A wheelchair user since 1970, Edwards has watched closely as the state’s level of accessibility has evolved over the years. His work for the DNR involves keeping […]

Liftware Level

I first introduced Liftware back in 2014.  If you’re unfamiliar with it, it is an eating utensil that cancels out tremors making it easier to eat.  The same company has recently released an all-new product coined Liftware Level. The original Liftware (now called “Liftware Steady”) is an electronic stabilizing handle with an assortment of attachments. […]

Robot Revolution

“When it comes to robots, we’ve only just begun to explore the possibilities!” I entered the Museum of Science and Industry this morning with wide eyes and a childlike curiosity.  As soon as we pulled up outside, we were greeted by a large banner of a robot.  I exclaimed, “Okay, I don’t care how much […]

Steve Swain: An Assistive Technology Champion

While looking back at when he started as Indiana AgrAbility’s rural rehabilitation specialist, Stephen J. Swain, ATP, let out a hearty laugh and said, “I really had no idea what I was getting into.” Swain has family members with disabilities, but the world of assistive technology (AT) and the language of accessibility was foreign to […]