Clicker Connect

Established in 1993, Crick Software is a company that develops innovative educational software for students of all ages and abilities.  The company offers thousands of online resources for educators and students.  Upon visiting the company’s website, you’ll stumble upon different apps for iOS devices.  One of these apps is called Clicker Connect. On the company’s […]

Introducing the iDo Hygiene App!

Choosing the best app for each child may be a major challenge.  After all, there are so many educational games and productivity apps already available to choose from–with the list ever-growing!  However, a newer app, created by the Center for Educational Technology, recently caught my attention as its lesson is clear: personal hygiene.   iDo Hygiene is an iPad app […]

EyeGaze Foundations Bundle

Last week I covered the HeadMouse Extreme, which is a device that allows users to control their computers and AAC devices via head movements.   The EyeGaze Foundations is comparable to the HeadMouse by the fact that it is a substitute for a standard mouse.  However, instead of controlling computers via head movement, EyeGaze allows users to control […]

4 apps to help the visually impaired in school

Without a doubt, technology offers endless benefits for people of all ages and backgrounds.  It is often being implemented in the classroom as it has been proven useful among students, especially those with special needs.  Because there are so many technological resources available, I felt it best to break them down into a series of blogs with specific categories.  Welcome […]

Perkins’ LightAide: Fun and enlightened learning

There are many products and apps available to help children succeed academically.  However, several of these may easily lose a child’s attention and/or lack the necessary tools to construct a solid foundation for a child’s academic success.  There are many underlying factors that may contribute to a child’s education.  First, it is important to note that […]

Pocket Sign Language Translator

This assistive technology device can be used for people who may be new to using American Sign Language. The Pocket Sign Language Translator is a device that translates text into video that demonstrates what the sign is. It’s a handheld video translator for people who are interested in learning Sign Language or improving their signing vocabulary. […]