Tecla Shield: Hands-free control of smart devices

Assistive technology can make things more convenient for some, but for others it makes things possible!  Smart devices have indubitably helped thousands of individuals with special needs communicate, control switches, and so much more.  However, some individuals with upper-body mobility impairments aren’t able to operate their smart device(s) independently.  This is where the Tecla Shield comes in. […]

Ava: Enjoy 24/7 accessible conversations

Many individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing often have to rely on lip reading or an interpreter to engage in conversations.  This is where Ava may prove useful.  Ava is an app noted to be the “first smart captioner for conversations based on machine intelligence.”  In other words, it’s an app that allows users to […]

8 more accessible gift ideas for those who are blind

In November 2014, our very own Nikol Prieto wrote about 10 accessible gift ideas for those with vision impairments.  The article has since become one of our most popular blogs of all time!  Because that article did so well, I wanted to provide you with even more options for your loved ones with visual impairments. […]

Orion TI-84 Plus Talking Graphing Calculator

Graphing calculators are often a necessity in secondary and higher education classrooms.  For individuals who are visually impaired, standard ones are wholly inaccessible.  The Orion TI-84 Plus Talking Graphing Calculator is the world’s first fully accessible handheld graphing calculator. The Orion TI-84 Plus Talking Graphing Calculator includes the same functions as the TI-84 Plus.  However, […]

Wheelchair Blankets

There are few things I despise more than cold, wintry weather; between getting stuck in the snow and my legs turning purple from extreme temperatures, the idea of winter is anything but fun to me.  Since I’m unable to hibernate until spring (sigh), I’ve looked for products to make my going out in winter a little […]

Liquid Motion Bubbler

I often discuss sensory solutions for individuals with sensory processing disorder, autism, ADHD, and other special needs.  A larger solution is a multi-sensory environment, while a much smaller one is a handheld fidget of sorts.  While browsing Amazon the other day, I stumbled upon the Super Z Outlet Liquid Motion Bubbler for Sensory Play. I have […]