4 Fun Fairlady Media Apps for Pre-K

It is often so hard if not impossible to get tots to sit still and pay attention.  However, it is essential to start educating their minds as soon as possible.  Today’s technology makes the learning process a little easier even for the smallest of learners.  Developers at Fairlady Media have made it even easier with their series of educational […]

Smashing Grammar App

My entire life I have loved absolutely everything grammar: writing, spelling, punctuation, nouns, prepositions–all of it!  Sadly, I understand learning grammar isn’t as exciting and easy for several individuals.  Developers at Fairlady Media believe that grammar can and should be fun!  Their Smashing Grammar app allows players to have a “smashing” time “blasting, bombing, demolishing, and pulverizing their way […]

Learn Math with Millie Moreorless!

I have struggled with math my entire life.  I cannot recall a time when I looked forward to attending math class; nor can I recall a time I looked forward to applying what I “learned” during homework or tests.  (This was not the case with English classes and homework.)  Fortunately, for students with and without special needs, […]

Camping with Grandpa App

Even though school is in session for most students, the summer sun is still burning bright and there’s still time to explore the great outdoors!  Even once it’s too chilly outside, children can still explore nature with Camping with Grandpa.  Camping with Grandpa is an app that allows individuals with and without disabilities to learn […]

TimeBuzz Apple Watch App

Since its release over a year ago, the hype of the Apple Watch has simmered down.  If you aren’t too familiar with the wearable device, check out my blog on its accessibility features as well as different apps available for the visually impaired.  Now that it’s been out for a while, more and more apps and features are […]

Back to School: 6 Reader Bee Apps

Wow, has this summer just flown by!  It’s already that time of year again: time for the kiddos to go back to school!  If you’re searching for a list of reading apps to help get your child back in the groove of reading, Reader Bee Apps may just be your one-stop solution! Before diving into the […]