Go Free Wheelin’ with the FreeWheel!

Individuals who use a manual wheelchair often find themselves unable to successfully travel through rough terrain.  Racing is also a major challenge for these individuals, as they have to focus on the chair not tipping over, thus they must pause to pop wheelies over obstacles on the course.  Naturally, there are specific chairs designed for such events, but they’re […]

Disabilities and Employment: Expect. Employ. Empower.

Did you know that October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM)?  NDEAM is a favorable time to educate Americans about “disability employment issues and to celebrate the many and varied contributions of America’s workers with disabilities.” Assistant Secretary of Labor for Disability Employment Policy, Kathy Martinez stated: “We all have a role to play […]

Intel Unveils Connected Wheelchair

Smart watches, smart wristbands, smart glasses… oh my!  Wearable technology is a booming industry linking users to technology like never before.  And now there is a device that connects its users in a whole new way.  At the Intel Developer Forum last Tuesday, Intel introduced a new, cutting-edge connected device: the first smart wheelchair. Most smart, wearable devices are busy tracking how many […]

Sit anywhere with the Chairless Chair

Have you ever been in a situation where you needed to sit but chairs weren’t available?  Like if you’re waiting in a seemingly endless line to get tickets to your favorite show?  Individuals on foot oftentimes need to take breaks from standing as a precaution for their health.  Physical strain, repetitive movements and poor posture may lead to conditions […]

Introducing the ultimate off-road wheelchair: The HexHog

I cannot count how many times an individual has asked me regarding my power wheelchair: “Does that thing go off-roading?!”  Each time I am asked this, I politely chuckle and smile, wishing my chair could withstand rough terrain.  Although my chair is able to handle some bumpy terrain, it is not designed to maneuver through mud, water, […]

Achieving Greatness through Power Soccer

While reflecting on youth, oftentimes one will reminisce the warm days of summer and kicking or throwing a ball around with friends.  Some even threw or kicked a ball outside of their driveway while competing in local baseball, basketball or soccer teams.  According to recent statistics, 35 million children (ages 5-18) play some form of organized sport.  Why are so many children involved in […]