Changing Expectations through Sport

Writer: Tiffany Whisner, Coles Marketing Back in the 70s, Ross Lilley was a bigtime windsurfer. A tough sport to break into, this surface water sport combines elements of surfing and sailing, and it requires technique, balance, strength and determination. An ordained minister, Lilley made “radical inclusion” a life mission, believing it wasn’t worth taking the […]

Vibrating ARC Pen Helps Those with Parkinson’s Write

Something many individuals often take for granted are daily tasks such as eating and handwriting.  However, when an individual is affected by Parkinson’s, these tasks are anything but simple.  Last year I wrote about a utensil called Liftware, a spoon that helps cancel tremors making it easier to eat.  And now there is a new device being tested to […]

Meld: The smart new way to cook!

I am all about connecting appliances to the Internet of things; doing so helps me live more independently.  Thanks to home automation and an app in my smartphone, I am able to lock/unlock doors, adjust the thermostat, turn lights on/off, and more!  Now there is a new, sizzling gizmo, called Meld, that I’m looking into to further my […]

Brain Power: The Road to Rehabilitation

Writer: Tiffany Whisner, Coles Marketing What do you know about traumatic brain injuries (TBI)? Did you know 5.3 million Americans live with a long-term disability as a result of TBI? TBI is a major cause of death and disability in the U.S., and those who survive a TBI can face effects lasting from a few […]

Robear: Robot Bear Nurse

It’s 2015.  Smartphones, tablets, and other smart devices have been sewn into the fabric of our daily lives.  Because smart technologies are so common, it can be assumed that a majority of individuals are familiar with robots in some form.  In terms of assistive technology, the field of robotics offers an indefinite amount of promise.  This is […]

From Workplace to Showcase

Writer: Tiffany Whisner, Coles Marketing It started out as a working lab, showing off assistive technology categorized by disability — for those individuals who are blind or vision-impaired; Deaf or Hard of Hearing; have mobility challenges; or learning or cognition challenges. Now, as the reality of the AT world is changing, the INDATA Project at […]