AACORN assistive speech app

AACORN Assistive Speech App

There is a seemingly indefinite amount of augmentative and communication (AAC) apps available on the market.  If you’re looking for a new AAC app to help your child or student communicate, check out the AACORN assistive speech app! According to its description, the AACORN assistive speech app is a “revolution in the way we provide […]

HeardThat App

In addition to a smartphone’s built-in accessibility features, apps are a great way to increase your device’s accessibility.  HeardThat is a new app available for individuals with hearing impairments. Noisy environments can be daunting for individuals with mild to moderate hearing loss.  According to its website, HeardThat is a “game-changing” hearing assistive smartphone app that […]

shravan accessibility apps

4 Accessibility Apps from Shravan

Oswald Labs is an award-winning accessibility technology company. Their mission is to “build new technologies that help people grow, and do it in a manner that promotes accessibility and equality.” Their research project, coined Shravan, offers four accessibility apps for individuals with different special needs. Shravan is a research project that works specifically on making smartphones accessible. […]

Typatone – Make music while you write

During yesterday’s Tech Tip, our AT director, Brian Norton, introduced Typatone.  Typatone is a free online tool that converts text to tones. Here’s more from its website: “The act of writing has always been an art.  Now, it can also be an act of music.  Each letter you type corresponds to a specific musical note […]

busy shapes and colors app

Busy Shapes and Colors App

I have written about some apps available from Edoki Academy before, but I have yet to discuss their Busy Shapes and Colors App.  If you’re looking for a fun, digital way to teach your child about shapes and colors, check out Edoki Academy’s Busy Shapes and Colors app! About Edoki Academy: The company was founded […]

moodnotes mood tracking app logo

Moodnotes – Mood Tracker App

For individuals with anxiety, autism, and more – tracking one’s mood over a period of time can be beneficial.  Moodnotes is a mood tracking/journaling application that makes mood tracking a breeze. According to its description, the app “empowers users to track their mood over time, avoid common thinking traps, and develop perspectives associated with increased […]