teachme kindergarten ios logo

TeachMe: Kindergarten – Educational iOS App

If you’re looking for an app for your kiddo to practice early math and spelling on, check out TeachMe: Kindergarten.  TeachMe: Kindergarten is an educational app on iOS devices that teaches six different age-appropriate subjects. The app teaches subjects that align with US common core standards.  Subjects include sight words, addition, subtraction, spelling, and writing […]

be focused app pro

Stay on task with the Be Focused app!

Regardless of age, it’s no secret that individuals with (and without) ADHD may have a hard time with time management, staying on task, and more.  If you are looking for a tool to help keep you or your child on task, check out the Be Focused app! In sum, the app is an “unobtrusive task […]

AM Podcast Logo

AM404 – PhoneSoap Pro

Podcast: Play in new window | Download Hey there! Welcome to Accessibility Minute, your weekly look at Assistive Technology, those clever tools and devices designed to help people who have difficulties with vision, mobility, hearing or other special needs! Did you know your phone is 18x dirtier and contains more harmful bacteria than a public […]

grandpad tablet

GrandPad Tablet

This pandemic has left many people feeling lonely and socially disconnected.  Many rely on their computer or mobile device (like tablets) to connect with friends and loved ones.  However, some devices are too complicated for some users.  If you’re looking for a tablet that is both smart and simple, check out the GrandPad Tablet! The […]

ATFAQ Feature Image Logo

ATFAQ134 – Q1. Scanning issues in iOS, Q2. Handheld Bluetooth Mics, Q3. Techniques and Guidlines for Cleaning Devices, Q4. Apple vs. PC accessibility, Q5. Chrome Apps for Reading and Writing, Q6. Wildcard: To upgrade or not

Podcast: Play in new window | Download Panel: Brian Norton, Josh Anderson, Belva Smith, Tracy Castillo. Q1. Scanning issues in iOS, Q2. Handheld Bluetooth Mics, Q3. Techniques and Guidelines for Cleaning Devices, Q4. Apple vs. PC accessibility, Q5. Chrome Apps for Reading and Writing, Q6. Wildcard: To upgrade or not —————– Transcript Starts Here —————————— […]