HeardThat App

In addition to a smartphone’s built-in accessibility features, apps are a great way to increase your device’s accessibility.  HeardThat is a new app available for individuals with hearing impairments. Noisy environments can be daunting for individuals with mild to moderate hearing loss.  According to its website, HeardThat is a “game-changing” hearing assistive smartphone app that […]

shravan accessibility apps

4 Accessibility Apps from Shravan

Oswald Labs is an award-winning accessibility technology company. Their mission is to “build new technologies that help people grow, and do it in a manner that promotes accessibility and equality.” Their research project, coined Shravan, offers four accessibility apps for individuals with different special needs. Shravan is a research project that works specifically on making smartphones accessible. […]

Typatone – Make music while you write

During yesterday’s Tech Tip, our AT director, Brian Norton, introduced Typatone.  Typatone is a free online tool that converts text to tones. Here’s more from its website: “The act of writing has always been an art.  Now, it can also be an act of music.  Each letter you type corresponds to a specific musical note […]

busy shapes and colors app

Busy Shapes and Colors App

I have written about some apps available from Edoki Academy before, but I have yet to discuss their Busy Shapes and Colors App.  If you’re looking for a fun, digital way to teach your child about shapes and colors, check out Edoki Academy’s Busy Shapes and Colors app! About Edoki Academy: The company was founded […]

moodnotes mood tracking app logo

Moodnotes – Mood Tracker App

For individuals with anxiety, autism, and more – tracking one’s mood over a period of time can be beneficial.  Moodnotes is a mood tracking/journaling application that makes mood tracking a breeze. According to its description, the app “empowers users to track their mood over time, avoid common thinking traps, and develop perspectives associated with increased […]

iOS 14 accessibility features

Apple iOS 14 Changes the Game for Accessibility

This month, Apple released one of its biggest iOS updates yet — iOS 14. “Fortunately, this new version of the iOS operating system is beneficial for people of all levels of ability,” said Brian Norton, director of assistive technology at Easterseals Crossroads. “What’s convenient to some is vital to others, and Apple clearly understands that […]