3 Apple/Android Apps for Autism

Last week I wrote a featured article on different ways you can participate in National Autism Awareness Month.  (If you didn’t get a chance to check it out, be sure to do so!)  Today’s post is written to further celebrate autism awareness by providing a detailed list of 3 Apple/Android apps that may benefit individuals with […]

GoTalk Express 32

Are you or a loved one in the market for a powerful, yet simple picture communicator?  Perhaps the GoTalk Express 32 will work for you!  The GoTalk Express 32 is a full-featured communicator which gives users the ability to scan and link messages together to play in sequence.  According to EnableMart, “It is an ideal […]

VocaliD: Custom Crafted Voices

American poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow once said, “The human voice is the organ of the soul.”  It’s also been said the human voice is not just a sound but also a reflection of the person.  Everyone has a unique voiceprint, yet the millions of individuals who rely on communication devices have been given uniform, robotic voices that don’t […]

TextSpeak Wireless Speech Generator Keyboard

There are several AAC devices available on the market, but the TextSpeak’s affordability and unique features set it apart from others.  There are three sizes of keyboards available in the TextSpeak series: Mini/Palm, Standard, and Large Key.  The TextSpeak Large Key Wireless Speech Generator Keyboard features a speaker and keyboard with keys twice the size of […]

EyeGaze Foundations Bundle

Last week I covered the HeadMouse Extreme, which is a device that allows users to control their computers and AAC devices via head movements.   The EyeGaze Foundations is comparable to the HeadMouse by the fact that it is a substitute for a standard mouse.  However, instead of controlling computers via head movement, EyeGaze allows users to control […]

HeadMouse Extreme

For individuals with limited hand and arm mobility, operating a standard computer mouse and keyboard proves to be quite the challenge.  Fortunately, there are many assistive devices available to help said individuals operate their computer or alternative and augmentative communication device.  One example of these available technologies is the HeadMouse Extreme. The HeadMouse Extreme replaces […]