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AM400- HeardThat App

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadHey there! Welcome to Accessibility Minute, your weekly look at Assistive Technology, those clever tools and devices designed to help people who have difficulties with vision, mobility, hearing or other special needs! Noisy environments can be daunting for individuals with mild to moderate hearing loss.  Introducing HeardThat app. According […]

blindshell classic smartphone

BlindShell Classic – Phone for visually impaired, blind

I originally wrote about an app coined “BlindShell” back in 2015, which was a smartphone app for individuals with visual impairments.  The developers behind this app now offer an accessible cellphone: the BlindShell Classic.  The BlindShell Classic is a phone developed specifically for individuals who are blind or visually impaired. According to the developer’s website, […]

fasta pasta microwave cooker

Fasta Pasta Microwave Pasta Cooker

Looking for an easier, quicker way to make your favorite pasta?  Check out the Fasta Pasta Microwave Pasta Cooker! With the Fasta Pasta Microwave Pasta Cooker, you no longer have to wait for a big pot of water to boil.  With this microwave pasta cooker, you can prepare “perfect al dente” pasta with your microwave […]

AACORN assistive speech app

AACORN Assistive Speech App

There is a seemingly indefinite amount of augmentative and communication (AAC) apps available on the market.  If you’re looking for a new AAC app to help your child or student communicate, check out the AACORN assistive speech app! According to its description, the AACORN assistive speech app is a “revolution in the way we provide […]

arthritis gloves

Vive Health’s Arthritis Gloves

Yesterday I wrote about the Foam Grip Tubing from Vive Health.  Vive Health offers so many daily living aids and other solutions for individuals with or without special needs.  Since they have so much to offer, I thought I’d write about some more products from the company, such as their assortment of Arthritis Gloves! Did […]