5 Speech Therapy Apps from Erik X. Raj

Over the years I have written about several speech therapy apps.  However, I have yet to write about apps developed by speech-language pathologist, Erik X. Raj.  Today’s blog will highlight a handful of his available apps. Erik X. Raj is a speech-language pathologist in New Jersey.  He works with elementary and adolescent students who have various […]

StepByStep Sequencing for Kids and Adults App

According to Sensational Brain, sequencing is “an important component of nearly every developmental skill, from following two-step directions to completing the getting-ready-for-school routine independently.  Sequencing ability impacts speech and language development, motor planning, daily living activities, reading comprehension, organizational skills, time management, and more.”  StepByStep is an app designed to evaluate and facilitate sequencing skills. […]

My Emotional Compass App

Individuals with traumatic brain injury (or TBI) “frequently experience damage to regions of the brain and neural networks involved with processing emotions.  As a result, many survivors have trouble identifying, labeling, and expressing their emotions, a condition known as alexithymia.”  This is where My Emotional Compass could prove useful. As many as 60% of individuals […]

Speech Blubs : Language Therapy App

There are so many language therapy apps that it can be overwhelming to find one that works for your child or student.  Speech Blubs is a speech therapy app that uses voice-control and video technology to develop speech articulation for young children with or without speech difficulties.  It was developed by Blub, Blub Inc. which […]

Constant Therapy: A Mobile Solution for Brain Rehabilitation

The Constant Therapy app is a virtual clinic, leading users through a digital door toward more than 100,000 speech, language and cognitive exercises. Created by the Learning Corp and built by an expert team of neuroscientists and clinicians at Boston University, this award-winning app was developed with the goal of helping people with learning disabilities […]

Gaining Independence through the Internet of Things

INDATA specializes in connecting people with disabilities to assistive technology that can improve their lifestyle and increase their independence. Next week’s free, full-day training session on Friday, August 31 will go one step further by showing how this technology can connect to the world around them. The upcoming training session will introduce attendees to the […]