Author: Laura Medcalf There is no denying that technology plays a major part in our lives. (In fact, if you’re reading this right now, you are likely doing so on a smartphone, tablet, or computer, thus further proving my former statement.) Although these technologies provide us with a world of possibilities, they may also often disengage us from […]
Posts with the computer tag
Control your computer with your eyes
Susan B. Anthony said, “Independence is happiness.” The quote’s truth was likely questioned in the 1800s, but today many would argue that independence is happiness; this holds especially true for individuals with disabilities. Persons with ALS, cerebral palsy, stroke/aphasia, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury and other mobility impairments may often struggle gaining and maintaining their […]
iPortal2: your communication bridge to the world
The portability of technologies like smartphones, tablets, and laptops indubitably helps individuals with disabilities perform daily tasks such as communicating, surfing the Web, word processing and so much more. However, some individuals with mobility impairments have very limited use of their arms and hands making them unable to utilize the many features available on a […]
How will Google Glass benefit people with disabilities?
By: Laura Medcalf Throughout the years, technology has gone from boxed and small (but very heavy!) television sets with faulty rabbit ear antennae with fuzzy picture as seen here to sleek, lightweight flat screens mounted on walls with crisp, high-definition picture: What is arguably crazier to reflect on is how computers with limited functions once took up […]
Monday Tech Tip: Traxsys Joystick Plus
Wade Wingler at Easter Seals Crossroads in Indiana briefly demonstrates the Traxsys Joystick Plus, a robust, multi-functional joystick for individuals who may struggle using a standard mouse.
The Nest Thermostat
As the world of technology expands, many options are becoming more accessible to individuals with a myriad of disabilities. A majority of companies nowadays are equipping their new products with Bluetooth and/or Wi-Fi compatibility, thus allowing individuals to personally operate switches and other devices (i.e. lights, door locks, thermostats, etc.) in their home—while being away […]