Monday Tech Tip: Dictation Bridge with NVDA

Jim Rinehart, Assistive Technology Specialist at Easterseals Crossroads shows us how to use Dictation Bridge, which is a voice input software with NVDA screen reader. Check it out here: Click here for additional information on Dictation Bridge.

Attention Increase Through Assistive Technology

We live in a world full of distractions. As society runs around us, we’re constantly looking at various screens, seeing personal and global news and information rush past our eyes like the cascading green code of “The Matrix.” And it can be difficult to keep our attention. These distractions can be particularly overwhelming for people […]

Consumer Highlight: Mildred Rebennack

I set out to meet Mildred who needed a desktop CCTV due to her vision loss and received a donated one from our equipment reutilization program. I wanted to talk to her about how she learned about our program and how she was beginning to incorporate assistive technology in her life as her eyesight has […]

Visual Reading App

I am always browsing the internet for different apps on iOS or Android devices. During my search today I came across the Android app Visual Reading. The Visual Reading app is an “educational platform for reading development, speech and language understanding, speech production training, and more.” It utilizes Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) principles to engage […]

HumanWare Explore 8 Handheld Magnifier

HumanWare offers a variety of assistive technologies for individuals who are blind or visually impaired. If you’re looking for a new handheld magnifier, check out HumanWare’s latest innovation: the Explore 8 Handheld Magnifier. The Explore 8 electronic magnifier is the first 8-inch handheld magnifier on the market. It is a powerful yet lightweight tool that […]