Control your smart home and more with Branto

With so many smart home devices and central hubs for these devices, it may be hard to narrow down what works best for you.  Even though it is only in the midst of its fundraising campaign on Indiegogo, the Branto Orb already seems like a promising option.  So what exactly is Branto and what sets it apart from other […]

Project RAY: Devices for the Blind and Visually Impaired

When commuting to work, we select our favorite albums on our smartphones to sing along to.  When traveling, we often type in the destination using a maps app.  Throughout the day, we check our email, make phone calls, send texts, and so much more–all on our smartphones.  We hold onto these handheld computers with white knuckles because it’s our […]

Strengthen your child’s language concepts with the QuestionIt iPad app

If you read our blog regularly, you are likely aware that mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets play a big role in the field of assistive technology.  The potential of apps on these devices is virtually limitless.  With certain apps and home automation devices already available, users have the ability to unlock their home, adjust their […]

TrackR bravo: the slimmest tracking device ever

A few months back I wrote about Tile, a handy device that attaches to virtually any item so you can keep track of it via your smartphone.  Soon there will be a similar device available, called the TrackR bravo, which offers the same benefits and more! TrackR is a thin, quarter-sized device that attaches easily to your most […]

From Workplace to Showcase

Writer: Tiffany Whisner, Coles Marketing It started out as a working lab, showing off assistive technology categorized by disability — for those individuals who are blind or vision-impaired; Deaf or Hard of Hearing; have mobility challenges; or learning or cognition challenges. Now, as the reality of the AT world is changing, the INDATA Project at […]

LUNA: The smart mattress cover

Over the past few years, there have been countless smart devices released on the market.  This includes smart watches, wristbands, thermostats, locks, and other home automation devices–all of which sync to your smartphone.  We already have the ability to connect to virtually anything, so what’s left?  Well, with the smart mattress cover Luna you now have the ability to make […]