4 Grocery Delivery Services

It’s nothing out of the ordinary for individuals to stop by a grocery store at least once a week.  If they need eggs, milk, or bread, they can simply drive to the local drugstore on their way home from work.  For the more extensive list of groceries, they’ll simply grab a cart and peruse every […]

5 Ways to Utilize Your Amazon Echo

Over the past couple of years, I’ve briefly covered the Amazon Echo.  In sum, the Amazon Echo (aka “Alexa”) is a hands-free personal assistant.  When I first wrote about the Echo, I had very limited knowledge on how it could really benefit individuals with special needs.  I have only recently discovered some cool features and tricks which […]

SmartKlean Laundry Ball

I went 25+ years without doing my own laundry as the machines were always inaccessible.  When I moved into my current house over a year ago, I was so excited about being able to do my own laundry!  I know, I know– who gets excited over a chore?!  This gal!  It was satisfying being able to […]

Ideas for Assistive Technology Holiday Shopping

The latest Assistive Technology Update podcast is now out, and in keeping with the holiday spirit it focuses on shopping ideas and available help. Click here to access the podcast. This is actually the second part of the sixth annual holiday assistive technology shopping episode. If you missed part one, you can access it by […]

Safe Toys and Gifts for the Holidays

Winter has come. The holiday season is upon us. As we brace for an impending invasion of family, friends and frosty temperatures — holiday shopping can be an escape everyone enjoys. Finding gifts for children with special needs around the holidays often begets high stress levels. Luckily, the 2016 Holiday Gift Guide for Children with […]

A BuZoo Story – Early Learning in a Touch-Free Way

“Cool!” said Emmanuel, an 11-year-old with autism. Emmanuel had recently finished playing the touch-free, interactive and fun learning app dubbed A BuZoo Story. A BuZoo Story is a touch-free mobile app designed to give children living with complex communication impairment related to autism and other developmental disorders an engaging, fun and interactive learning experience. Shailah […]